
Bronceado del boj

Bronceado del boj

Boxwood Bronzing As we come out of the winter I wanted to talk about everyone’s favorite hedge plant, boxwood.The english boxwood, Buxus sempervirens, along with its many varieties and hybrids make for great, easy to maintain and robust orderly hedges. If you are not...

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Mancha foliar Parte 2

Mancha foliar Parte 2

Mancha foliar Parte 2 El mes pasado les hablé de la mancha foliar fúngica, ahora pasamos a la más difícil de las dos, la mancha foliar bacteriana. La mancha foliar bacteriana es sorprendentemente común en los árboles de hoja perenne de hoja ancha, especialmente en aquellos regados con riego por aspersión. Al considerar los controles,...

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Daños abióticos: Frío

Daños abióticos: Frío

Abiotic Damage: Cold Winter is in full swing here in Washington. Given the cold night time temps we can get in January and February I thought I’d talk about what cold damage can look like. Abiotic -meaning without biology- damage can be really anxiety inducing, it...

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